Holly and I are very blessed to welcome Baby Warren to our family soon! Due date March 15, 2011! We are very excited and can hardly wait. I am entered to run Way Too Cool 50k on March 12, but it all depends on when Warren decides to come! I will decide the morning of the race whether or not I will be able to make it as Holly may go into labor that same day. If you do not see me out there, it is safe to say Warren is on his way! If I am able to run, I don't have any big expectations for myself with this race as I have been battling a bad bout of plantar faciitis since New Years, and I have been working 80 hour weeks during the public accounting busy season right now! It makes it a little hard to get out for a run. So, WTC will be nothing but a training run for me this year with Western States 100 Mile Run as my main focus at the end of June. See everyone out on the trail!