Monday, June 29, 2009

Western States 100 Mile Run

I have been writing my WS experience for the past few days. It is turning out to be quite lengthy as I am using it for my journal as well. Last night I finished my masterpiece write-up! I want to read through it one last time to make any changes needed, but I will post it tonight (Thursday) after work. I have added a photo album and video to enjoy in the meantime :)
I Finished the Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run in 22 hrs and 20 mins! I finished 39th overall and 3rd in my age (18-29).

I'm new to this whole Blog Spot thing so I'll give it a shot! In the next few days I hope to add more pictures, videos, and a write up covering the whole race from before the race to after.
This is under construction :) Check back in a few days.

My Silver Belt Buckle :)

Holly and Me before the race. Thanks for all your love and support!

This is at the Foresthill aid station - Mile 62. It was very HOT so I stayed as wet as possible even filling my hat with ice at each aid station. A special thanks to my sponsors Camelbak and Clif Bar! They helped fuel my nutrition and hydration needs to make it to the finish.

Finish Line! 3:20 am.


  1. You are amazing Eric -way to go. But the real question is how did Holly do? was she able to stay awake following along in the car? That is quite the task for her too. We miss you both.

  2. That is amazing! You have to wear that buckle every weekend. I've done the 140.6 but you guys are crazy.
